I'm Back.
Well, when I decided to take a post-football season break, I had no idea that it would last almost six months. Following the Alamo Bowl, I just didn't have a ton of enthusiasm to talk about sports (well, at least not without reverting to massive amounts of profanity). Right around the time that I got over the debacle and regained some perspective, it was crunch time for graduate school applications. These were completed by the end of January, but at that point I just didn't have a lot to talk about. Living in the woods of northern Michigan deprived me of the opportunity to observe Michigan sports first hand. The last thing I wanted this blog to become was a collection of links to other people's original content.
Around the time that the NHL/NBA began to ramp up to the playoffs, I was receiving acceptance letters and making the difficult decision of where to spend the next few years of life. In the end, Texas A&M beat out Georgia Tech and UT-Austin, but there was a catch--my advisor wanted me to start June 1st. While this finally gave me something to do with my life (besides watching massive amounts of sports of course), it also made my last month in Michigan pretty darn hectic.
Now that I've settled in College Station, the Stanley Cup Finals and World Cup have given me a desire to restart this blogging experiment. For the next few months, I will do my best to focus on general sports items and how amazing the Detroit Tigers are. Come Fall, I haven't decided which direction I should take. I would like very much to continue to comment on the weekly state of Michigan football, but I doubt that I will be able to watch them down here. Instead, I'm seriously considering following the Big XII for a year and attempting to put a Michigander perspective on it. Either way, I've already wasted at least $25 on football preview magazines with no terribly insightful content (one notable mag rated Tyler Ecker ahead of Matt Spaeth), but they make great reading material for the bathroom. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can't wait for Fall to arrive and bring the wonderful institution of college football back with it. For the remainder of summer I intend to adopt a one-update-a-week format, with new content being added on the weekends. As for right now, the Oilers are leading the Canes 1-0, so I'm going to devote some more attention to enjoying that. With apologies to the great Red Green, until next time, keep your stick on the ice.
As a Michigan fan that no longer lives in Michigan, my advice is to simply plan a weekly Saturday afternoon trip to your favorite sports bar. I guarantee you will not have a hard time finding the Michigan game on TV.
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